Donald Trump Will Walk US President Election Good Riddance Kamala Harris Garbage

There’s no way on God’s green Earth Kamala Harris will win the US election in 2024.

For many reasons.

First off markets want predictability and as Mark Cuban pointed out, the smart people in Silicon Valley have already poured in for Trump.

Trump is the only one strong enough to lead America at the moment as a country in its numerous challenges.

Not withstanding that, even Elon Musk pointed out that many of his once democrat friends in the US have now all gone to Republicans mostly.

Musk has backed Trump too.

More and more money will pour in for Trump privately late on, watch and see.

The best will come for last.

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Kamala Harris could not lead her way out of a packet of potato chips.

Let alone lead a country.

She also is only really being endorsed in those in current politics (not those retired like former Presidents) like Gavin Newscum.

The main problem with all of America is Newscum, that will tell you the evil garbage behind her campaign.

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Americans will stand up to this evil and fight it head on.

People have had enough of the evil now in America, time is up.

It just won’t be tolerated anymore and the country has powerful friends around the world who will help the good people there.

Markets are already set on Trump not just crypto and new money, a lot of institutional investors and Silicon Valley are all aboard the Trump express.

Trump will use sharp shooting, powerful, transparent language to save the kids of America from the evil they are being subjected to under now evil defunct Democrats.

If Trump were to not win some how, which he won’t, it would be clear corruption of the system and real civil war will ensue guaranteed.

Good riddance Kamala Harris amen.

WATCH NOW: Trump as Neo, Biden as Agent Smith

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